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Project overview - Rimba Raya Reserve

The Rimba Raya Reserve is located in the Central Kalimantan Peatlands, in Indonesia. The project aims to protect more than 47,237 hectares of tropical peat swamp forests from the programmed deforestation. In fact the area was slated by the Provincial government and Ministry of Forestry to be converted into four palm oil estates.

However, the Bornean Island is widely recognized as a biodiversity hotspot which means that here, the levels of biodiversity are over average and most of the species are endangered because of habitat loss. In fact, the area is characterized by a dense biodiversity and endemic species. One of the key and most endangered species is the Bornean Orangutan. This monkey, together with the Agile Gibbon and the Proboscis Monkey, are extremely exposed to extinction risks. Habitat disturbance and / or conversion, and hunting are the main threats for this species. 

The initiative is managed by InfiniteEARTH, which partners with the Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), the government and the community to protect threatened and endangered key species.

The Problem:
Agricultural expansion and timber logging are the two major causes of the Central Kalimantan Peatlands degradation. In particular, the project area is threatened by planned deforestation driven by the conversion of the land into palm tree plantations. Losing or even degrading this ecosystem would not only cause the extinction of its rich biodiversity but also release millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere.

Your Support:
Halting palm oil-driven deforestation in the Central Kalimantan Peatlands and expanding the protected area of the nearby Tanjung Putting National Park is timely and urgent.


Project Partner:
