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Project overview - Al Zorah and the Ramsar Convention

Did you know that the Al-Zorah Nature Serve has been listed by the Ramsar Convention?

In 2015 the Ramsar Convention International list of protected Wetlands measured the Al Zorah area for a total of 1,950,000 sqm of wetland area and counting 1,450,000 sqm of Mangrove tree cover. This area contains approximately 484,000 mangrove trees, resulting in 5,950,000 kg of CO2 being captured each year.

The Ramsar Convention, also known as The Convention on Wetlands, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.

It counts 172 contracting parties and its efforts led to the recognition of 2,491 Wetlands of International Importance worldwide, for a total surface of designated sites of 256,562,434 hectares. 


Figure 1.  Al-Zorah Natural Reserve Mangroves


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