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Wetlands: What Are They and Why They Matter

Italian Wetlands

Wetlands: Why They Are So Important

Wetlands are unique places where land meets water, creating habitats that blend freshwater and saltwater. These special ecosystems are home to plants and animals that have developed incredible adaptations to survive in extreme conditions, such as very salty or very fresh water. Rich in biodiversity, wetlands are vital not just as natural habitats but also because they provide essential benefits, including absorbing carbon dioxide, filtering water, and preventing floods.

Saltwater wetlands, in particular, have long been a valuable resource for people. They have been used for sustainable fish farming, combining natural processes with traditional practices. Plants like tamarisks play a key role in protecting the land from erosion, stabilising soil, and supporting natural cycles that keep ecosystems in balance.

This intricate system not only provides safe spaces for fish and other marine life, supporting important fishing activities, but it also boosts the resilience of the environment as a whole. Wetlands are crucial for preserving biodiversity and promoting environmental health, showcasing a harmonious balance between natural resources and human care.

The Strategic Role of Wetlands in Italy

Italian wetlands are complex ecosystems and protected areas whose value goes far beyond their natural beauty. These environments, often designated as nature reserves, play a crucial role in absorbing and storing CO₂e through the biological processes of vegetation, algae, and soil, making a significant contribution to combating climate change.

From an ecological perspective, wetlands provide essential habitats for many migratory species, offering refuge and breeding grounds vital for maintaining biodiversity. However, these ecosystems face increasing threats from anthropic pressures, or human-related activities, that reduce their ability to perform these critical functions.

To ensure the conservation and resilience of wetlands, targeted strategies are essential. One effective example is extensive fish farming, which strives to balance human activity with natural processes. This sustainable approach not only improves water quality but also allows fish to grow freely and naturally, fostering biodiversity while maintaining environmental balance.

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands , adopted in 1971, highlights the global importance of wetlands and promotes their protection. Safeguarding wetlands today is essential; monitoring key factors such as biodiversity, water quality, carbon sequestration capacity, and the impact of human activities helps assess the health of these ecosystems and plan effective conservation and restoration efforts.

Protecting wetlands means not only preserving a natural heritage but also supporting local communities that depend on their resources. The delicate balance between humans and nature, carefully maintained over centuries, is vital for ensuring a sustainable future for Italy’s wetlands and for everyone who benefits from their extraordinary biodiversity.

Valle Bertuzzi's Salt Marsh Wetland: A Timeless Connection Between People and Nature

Located in the province of Ferrara, the Valle Bertuzzi represents a salt marsh wetland with unique topography and a rich, diverse biodiversity. This area, part of the Po Delta Park, includes the wetland zones of Valle Nuova and Valle Cantone, covering a total of about 2,000 hectares. The valley is an integral part of the protected IT4060004 SIC-ZPS site, recognised for its ecological and landscape significance.

The wetlands of Valle Bertuzzi play a crucial role in biodiversity and climate balance. These environments act as natural reservoirs for CO2, regulate the water cycle, and provide refuge for numerous plant and animal species. Their proper management, such as that carried out by the owners of Valle Bertuzzi, is essential to ensuring the maintenance of their ecological functions.

Green Future Project Adds Italian Wetlands to Its Project Portfolio

Green Future Project is proud to announce the inclusion of Italian wetlands in its environmental project portfolio for the conservation of wetland areas. Through targeted initiatives, we will work to protect and enhance these unique ecosystems, blending innovation and tradition to ensure their continued flourishing. Companies, through their support, can help preserve this precious balance between land and sea, between the past and the future.

Photo of Valle Bertuzzi, Italian wetland - extensive fish farming - Green Future Project