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Project overview - Tapichalaca Reserve

Tapichalaca Reserve is the first reserve established by Fundacion Jocotoco. It is adjacent to the Podocarpus and Colambo-Yacuir National Parks and it therefore plays a key role as a buffer and connection area, ensuring and strengthening the conservation efforts in this zone.

It is located in the Huancabamba depression, one of the most important biogeographical region of the Andes, counting 343 bird species and more than 800 plants. 

General Overview - Knowledge pills about the Tapichalaca Reserve

It was created in 1998 to protect a newly discovered species, the Jocotoco Antpitta, a small bird whose only known  habitat  is Tapichalaca, and now Foundation’s icon animal. The reserve needs to be expanded and protected because of the high risks represented by the agricultural and road expansion, together with mining and illegal hunting. 

8- Jocotoco Antpitta - Photo by José León - Tapichalaca Reserve - Fundación Jocotoco -IMG_0206, TP 2019 (1)

Figure 1. Jocotoco Antpitta

Besides the Jocotoco Antpitta, more than 10 near threatened and endemic species of birds have been recorded at Tapichalaca, including Bearded Guan, Golden-plumed Parakeet, White-breasted Parakeet, Masked Mountain-Tanager and Coppery-chested Jacamar.

Group 1406

Figure 1.  Golden-plumed Parakeet, Cock of the Rock and Black and chestnut eagle

In the Reserve, nine species of frog are at risk of extinction. Also, Spectacled Bear and Mountain Tapir, as well as the Pampas Cat, Oncilla, Jaguar and Spider Monkey can be found in the reserve area. 

Canand‚ reserve, Puma, Nicol s Devos @minifund @saviafund

Figure 3 - Puma

Since Ecuador is home to over 14% of the world’s 30,000 orchid species, Tapichalaca Reserve is a conservation haven for 30 endemic orchid species that have been discovered within the reserve.

Partner - Fundación Jocotoco

Fundación Jocotoco is an Ecuadorian conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1998. It is dedicated to protecting Ecuador's most threatened habitats and species through the establishment and management of strict nature reserves, reforestation, restoration of degraded wetlands, and environmental education programs. The organization is committed to the conservation of Ecuador's biodiversity and has been successful in promoting the recovery of several endangered species. Fundación Jocotoco also owns eco-tourism lodges and a tourism company that helps finance its conservation efforts.


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