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Project overview - Narupa Reserve

The Narupa Reserve, located on the western side of the Amazonas within the Napo bioregion in Ecuador, is situated in one of the most diverse regions on Earth. This fact is highlighted by the 872 bird species observed in the Sumaco Napo Galeras National Park, located to the north of the Narupa Reserve.

General Overview - Knowledge pills about the Narupa Reserve

The Narupa Reserve is located on the north eastern part of Ecuador, in the province of Napo and is close to the Rio Hollin, between two volcanos, the Antisana and Sumaco ones. 

Narupa Reserve, Ecuador

Deriving its name from the Narupa palm, a typical tree of the region, the Reserve plays a key role in the protection of the remaining foothill forest. 

It is part of the Eastern Cordillera Real montane forests ecoregion, within the Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests biome. 

The Andean Foothill forest characterizing Narupa is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna species. Here, more than 300 bird species have been recorded to date, with the number increasing each year. There are many endemic species, of which several are globally threatened species, such as the Military Macaw (Ara militaris) and the Coppery-chested Jacamar (Galbula pastazae). 

A pair of Orange-breasted Falcon nested on a cliff adjacent to the reserve, making the area the only nesting site in Ecuador for this species, which is also in danger of extinction.

The Reserve is essential for the protection of the remnant lower montane evergreen forest, since the eastern foothills face the expansion of the agricultural frontier (due to the elevation conditions that are optimal for development and agriculture)and  thus causing habitat loss and fragmentation.

The long-term goal is to expand the reserve and connect it  with the nearby Sumaco-Napo Galeras National Park and the Antisana Ecological Reserve. This connectivity plan in the area is key to conserving the rainforest ecosystem and the habitat of globally threatened species, including mammals like pumas, ocelots and tapirs.

Figure 1. Three of the globally threatened birds that have found a home in Narupa: Military Macaw, Wire-crested Thorntail and Harpy Eagle

Endangered bird species: Harpy Eagle, Black Tinamou, Cerulean Warbler, Orange-breasted Falcon, Military Macaw, Coppery-chested Jacamar and the Foothill Elaenia.

Map 1 - Narupa Reserve is shown in bright green, the María Antioneta community in orange, and two governmental protected areas are shown in the upper part of the image in dull green and pale green. The properties we wish to purchase to link the isolated parts of Narupa Reserve to its main body.are shown in the grids with the yellow line. The next properties to be purchased are shown in grey.

Partner - Fundación Jocotoco

Fundación Jocotoco is an Ecuadorian conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 1998. It is dedicated to protecting Ecuador's most threatened habitats and species through the establishment and management of strict nature reserves, reforestation, restoration of degraded wetlands, and environmental education programs. The organization is committed to the conservation of Ecuador's biodiversity and has been successful in promoting the recovery of several endangered species. Fundación Jocotoco also owns eco-tourism lodges and a tourism company that helps finance its conservation efforts.


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